Commenting Guidelines

I love to hear your opinion – let me know what you think about my little articles and photos on my Melbourne blog. Feel free to add information, advice or just your opinion. Your comments are highly appreciated.

Nevertheless I receive a lot of spam so that I had to set up some rules around comments. These guidelines are valid for our website and all social media accounts of We get a lot of comments every day so we set up some easy and basic rules.

Play nice!

  • Please play nice. is governed by the rules of respectful discourse. Do not post content that is unlawful, threatening, offensive, defamatory, invasive of another’s privacy, generally inappropriate, confidential or proprietary, political messages, product endorsements, or content that might otherwise violate any legal, ethical or policy restrictions.

Use your own name! No spam!

  • No spam and shameless self-promotion! Use your real name or a username, and not the name of a commercial website, business, product or keyword when commenting on the blog. Your comment will not be approved! Linking to unrelated sites and posting numerous comments are viewed as spam and may result in the removal of comments.
  • When you want to put in a link in your comment please make sure it is relevant to the blog post and provides some information … otherwise my spam filter will treat it as spam and I might not even see your comment.
  • Stay on topic. Comments that are completely unrelated to a blog post will be removed.
  • You are fully responsible for everything that you post. You should only post content that is yours to post.  The content of all comments is released into the public domain.
  • reserves the right to remove inappropriate content. We reserve the right to remove content for any reason whatsoever, without your consent. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove your privilege to post content on this blog.
  • When you think I missed your comment and did not publish it please feel free to contact me.

Enough guidelines … browse my blog and leave me a comment:

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