luxury facemasks for party nights - stylish facemasks

Fashionable Face Masks – Most stylish facemasks.

Lockdown Blues & Fashionable Facemasks

It might be one week into our six-week stage 4 lockdown, but I feel like we’ve been in lockdown since March. We have to wear facemasks now! We had a few wonderful weeks to feel a little normal again and see our family and friends, but I can’t help feeling a little down and frustrated – like a lot of you out there! We’re seeing people from different parts of the world travelling to beautiful destinations and lounging on beaches. Our fellow Aussies up in the Northern Territory, Queensland and South Australia are free to roam as they please! They have been lucky and have zero cases of the virus. I really want to get on a plane right now and head somewhere warm. I’d be happy to just be able to go out somewhere to enjoy a meal and a drink!

model wearing designer facemask - luxe mask for the fashionista


Face Mask Frenzy in Melbourne

We’re in the middle of Melbourne’s winter and we’re only allowed out to exercise for an hour and to visit the supermarket once a day. It’s been a struggle to get dressed up and apply makeup, even to create nice pics for a pick-me-up and some content for the blog. I’m grateful that I decided to create face masks to keep me busy through this time. After making stacks for friends and family (so everyone can stay safe) I decided that my creativity needed to be nurtured. Nobody wants hats or headpieces right now and I need to design something! Instead of joining the masses of people who are creating standard face masks for everyone, I decided to create luxe designs.

It’s was and still is a crazy time for face mask producers everywhere! Anyone with a sewing machine started making face masks to sell. Spotlight stores were at it’s busiest ever with people running in there to buy up fabric for masks. Sewing machines, black fabric and elastic were hot commodities and all sold out for a while! It was so bloody hard to find elastic of any kind, especially the kind I needed for my luxe masks! We did end up tracking down the type which I needed but will be keeping them quiet as I may need more in the future.

stylish designer facemask on model - hot facemasks from designer label - unique stylish facemasks - go out in style


Fashionable Face Masks

These fashion masks are made from luxe fabrics with specially selected prints which make me happy! Some fabrics selected were used in high-end garment designs. They’re aimed to make fashionistas everywhere happy! Life is too short to always be in boring masks, right? People in other parts of the world are wearing fashionable masks with their gorgeous outfits when they head out. We’ll be out of lockdown soon and will be able to do the same. This virus will be around for a while so masks are going to be a part of our lives whether you like it or not! Why not ride it out in style!

These masks gave me a push to dress up again for a photo shoot. How else will everyone know how good they can look! Yes, I’m pretty lucky that I have a photographer husband and a studio on hand for times like this. Photography has been something which has helped us pass away some of our lockdown time. We’re challenging ourselves to get better with flash photography in the studio at the moment and it’s been a fun process! Still, more practice is needed but we have stacks of time!

stylish facemask - black facemask with sequin - most luxurious facemasks on the market


Sequin Obsession and luxury fabrics

For this mask photoshoot, I went for a sparkling look. The Zara sequinned blazer was perfect for my sequinned masks. I’m a bit obsessed with sequins because it’s just pure glamour and glamour is something which makes life a bit more interesting. Sparkles are good for any time of the day! Once we’re allowed out and about again, I’m going to live in sequins! Ok, that might be my locked-down mind speaking but it’s all in great intentions. Just saying that life needs to be more glamorous.

There are plenty of other mask options available to please everybody and I will get around to doing more photoshoots with them soon. My mood right now called for some serious glam so I went with the sequin masks first. My masks aren’t for medical use, they are not guaranteed to stop you from catching the virus. They are all three layers of fabric and will offer some protection and help you fashionably abide by the law of wearing a mask. Use your common sense and practise social distancing even when wearing any mask! When we all wear some form of face covering and stand away from each other, it reduces the risk of us contracting the virus.

I love these photos as they not only show how good the luxe masks can look with your outfit, it reflects my mood at the moment. I’m not happy about the situation that we’re in but I’m trying to do my best to get through it with my sanity intact. Hope you’re all finding some way to stay mentally healthy. Thank god the liquor stores are kept open! Guess they figured that it’s better than having everyone turn to antidepressants and other stuff! Keep safe everyone. Head over to to grab some masks for yourself or gift them to someone you care about. Stay safe everyone!

most fashionable facemask in the world - created by Melbourne designer label - luxury brand facemask


designer label facemask - blue sequin - most stylish facemask in the world


Get these facemasks at velvet&tonic – worldwide shipping – the worlds most luxurious facemasks.