Navy and Frills – Mornington Cup Fashion 2017
Earlier this year, I attended the Mornington Cup. As far as I can remember, it’s always such a beautiful day for this event. It’s not too far a drive from Melbourne and it’s a great relaxed day out. The creative side of my mind was in full swing at that time, so I challenged myself to create a beautiful boater for the occasion. Boaters are always in fashion, especially ones which are made with different fibres. Mine was made from swiss braid and a paper weave. I could have gone with a classic colour but I that would have been too boring for my mood at that time. Vibrant teal was chosen for a touch of fun and to bring up the navy dress which I wore it with.
The dress was from C/Meo Collective. Navy is a colour which I’ve fallen in love with this year. It’s a classic colour which has been considered old fashion over the years, but I’m appreciating it more with age. Not that this dress was designed for the older fashionistas! I’m seeing more navy pieces creeping into the younger fashion lines. Even my daughter chose a navy dress for her formal this year.
Racing Fashion 2017
The ruffle was something I added to it with some fabric I had sitting around for years! Ruffles are so in fashion this year but I haven’t found anything which was just right – so I made it! Luckily the piece of fabric I had was just enough for what I needed it for. Silver compliments navy so well. White accessories from my existing collection toned down the whole look. The off-shoulder frill around the neckline of this dress is so feminine and romantic! It just appeals to me more than a strapless number.
With Spring nearly upon us, we’re sure to see more navy pieces creeping in. Combine it with silver, pink, white and tan. Go nautical and add some red and white to it. The great thing about this dress (and the fact that I’m creative) is that I can make it look different with varied attachments or keep it as it came for a sleek dress for a night out.
Wish summer would hurry up so I can get my creative drive back and whip up some more racing outfits! Until then, all my creativity will be focused into producing gorgeous images for my photography website. If you’re keen to see what else I’ve been up to, visit