On this trip to Germany, the Rapeseed (or Canola) flowers were in full bloom. These vibrant yellow beauties are a magnificent sight as you drive around the countryside. They only bloom for around 3-4 weeks in the springtime, less if there is heavy rain. And there was heavy rain and hail which shortened the life of these fields of happiness. Luckily we got to photograph them before they were washed away. Rapeseed is grown primarily for oil.
Yellow is a happy colour.
I adore the colour for the happy mood it puts me in. Wandering through a field of wildflowers then into a field of Rapeseed flowers was the next best ‘pick-me-up’ experience to retail therapy! Wish there was a way of bottling it up and taking it with me as I head back to Melbourne’s winter.
Admittedly, these fields were more beautiful for me to stare at than to wander through. My phobia of snakes and all things creepy crawly required Andreas drag me into the fields to get these amazing shots! The thought of some totally harmless snakes lurking about gets my skin popping up in goosebumps nonetheless! Caterpillers and slugs also make me shiver. Bad childhood experiences with these creatures have unfortunately left me scarred.
Boho chic
For the while, I left all my fears and phobias on the footpath and relished in the sight of beautiful wildflowers which surrounded me. My Boho-chic look was complete with the floral crown of daisies which I linked together. This Boho look was cheap and chic. The crochet top was from Dotti and the frill shorts are from Sportsgirl.
Sunset is the most wonderful time for photography. It give off a beautifully warm light which softens the skin and makes you glow. Unfortunately for me, sunset also brings on cooler temperatures which is ideal for slugs! There were so many of them and they were huge! I couldn’t get out of the field fast enough, which entertained my other half immensely!