Were flowers ever out of fashion? I think not! As a Melbourne photographer and blogger, I’m forever inspired by flowers. My favourite posts are those where I’ve used flowers as a backdrop or a prop for my photo shoots. Floral bouquets at weddings always send me into a clicking frenzy. Flowers are simply objects which put me into a state of happiness.
Flowers everywhere – Fashion at the Melbourne Spring Carnival
During the Melbourne Spring Carnival, flowers bombard the racecourses.It’s my favourite time of the year. I definitely get my flower fix there! Not only do gorgeous flowers grow in the masses around the Melbourne racecourses, they also adorn the heads of many fashionable race-goers. Floral headpieces or hats adorned with flowers are always a top pick for the ladies.
While most will opt for artificial flowers which last the distance, some do choose fresh floral arrangements for a more natural look. There may be just a couple of flowers adorning their hats or headpieces or elaborately crafted designs which focus entirely on the floral arrangement.
I love fresh flowers
For my fashion shoots on my Melbourne Blog, I will use flowers in my hair whenever I can! Floral crowns made of daisies, roses and gerberas have adorned my head in some of my fashion shoots. It’s so easy to link flowers together or sew them onto a headband to create a romantic or wild-child look which adds a special element to your overall look. Grab a flower as a prop.
This instantly turns your look from simple to special. Incorporating flowers into your look is not just limited to wearing them in your hair. Flowers can look effective when worn around your neck or on your wrist or even on your handbag! Floral jewellery has been a huge hit in the last few seasons and it looks like it’s staying around for quite a while.
Your favourite flowers
Everyone has their favourites. Clear favourites are roses, sunflowers and peonies but there’s so much to choose from! Melbourne has such an large variety of flowers to choose from. If we don’t grow it, we’ll import it! I do recall seeing an amazing bunch of peonies in a Melbourne florist which was imported from Holland!
You can play it safe by making sure that your choice of floral design matches your outfit or you can throw caution to the wind and immerse yourself in whatever makes you happy. We hope our images of flowers in fashion inspire you to go floral for any occasion. If it’s not growing in your garden, visit your local florist or better still – order them to your doorstep! Fresh Flowers do delivery to Melbourne – it’s easy and convenient.
How to use fresh flowers on a headpiece
Here are some of my tipps when you want to use fresh flowers on a headband.
What fresh flowers to use
- Use some closed flowers (rose buds) which might open up later and last longer. Open flowers might lose their petals.
- Clematis are all perfect for headbands as they’re light and long-lasting.
- Opt for flowers with sturdier petals – such as orchids.
- If desired add some greenery to your headband.
How to prepare your flower headband
- Keep the flowers in fresh water until use.
- Strip the leaves of the flowers and trim the stems to about 2-3 inches.
- Prepare your headpiece not too long before you want to wear it.
- Use floral tape to secure the flowers on the headband or wire.
Wearing the flower headband
- Store the finished headband in a cool, dry place until last minute – put it on as the last thing.
- Stay out of the full sun.
- Avoid touching the flowers.
Can’t wait to see your real fresh flower headbands at the spring carnival in Melbourne …