Melbourne Cup – Myer Fashions on the Field – Snaps – Part 1

Colour explosion

Derby Day is a classy day with it’s monochrome hues. After a whole day of walking around in a sea of black and white, I’m totally blown away by the colour explosion when I step into Melbourne Cup Day. It’s dizzying as I turn in all directions to capture some of the stunning fashion that is walking around me. The vibe is so different from Derby Day, a bit more buzzy. Photographers had a field day, vying for time with the fashion contestants as they waited for their moment to parade in front of the judges.

 The Myer Fashions on the Field at the Melbourne Cup in Flemington

Fuchsia was a popular colour this year, but not any more popular than the classic combination of black, white and red. Chloe Moo came up tops in the fashions stakes on Melbourne Cup Day (she also went on to win the National Fashions on the Field title) with her Aboriginal print dress and feathered headpiece in black, red and white. International model Coco Rocha showed up in a Peter Pilotto outfit in the same colours. We also caught a glimpse of someone else wearing the same outfit (in blue, white and black) that day running around in the bidrcage! Nice to see that not all celebrities have custom made pieces.

Even though headbands were very popular this season, the Fashions on the Field contestants stuck to tradition and wore hats or headpieces. There were so many gorgeous hats, with the tear-shaped version and small cocktail hats being most popular.

The designer section of the Fashions on the Field competition was held on Melbourne Cup Day. We captured a few of the entrants there but had to dash off into the birdcage, before as we had so much to cover!

And don’t forget to have a look at part 2 of the Myer Fashions on the Field at the Melbourne Cup.

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Melbourne Cup

Melbourne Cup

Australian blog

Melbourne Cup Fashion

MYer Fashions on the Field 2014

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Fashions on the Field - Myer - Melbourne Cup

Don’t forget to see all the pictures of the Melbourne Cup in Part II of the Myer Fashions on the Field.

More pictures of the Melbourne Spring Carnival – see the best pictures: